
Here's another warmup sketch (you can maybe see the transition from 'how do I draw again??' to moderate functionality...)

I'm updating this wordpress install so things could get screwy. I've become more and more unhappy with the look of my site and it's usability.

typically I tried for a wholesale custom redesign of everything but hit a brick wall when it came to the code.

I'm not really a big fan of the standard two column blog, preferring something a lot more direct (my folio http://www.timmcburnie.com/ is probably a good example of what I mean) but it's hard to put the extra functionality in there at the same time (basic blog archive/links etc) without knowing a lot of code.

Anyway, I think I'll have to keep it simple this time.

I'm planning to post a bunch of 7 pirates pages btw, there is no NDA on any of it. I'm just trying to figure out what to show.